Lib Dems get AMEY to repair Brook Lane speed bumps

Cllr Will Frass has chaced up AMEY to get them to repair the speed hump on Brook Road, which was recently relayed, that is already falling apart.
For ages the Council / Amey kept saying the speed bumps on Brook Way / Brook Lane don't need repairing, when they very obviously *did* need work.
Cllr Meena Minnis and I were walking past this week, not long since they were resurfaced - and we saw the sides have already started to fail, spewing grit and broken asphalt everywhere.
They are also the wrong size/shape, so they can scrape the underside of some cars.
It's so frustrating after ages of waiting for this to be done, they've made such a hash of it.
I am raising a complaint with Trafford about these.
Cllr, Will Frass
Update (22 April 2024)
Today (Monday) I received a reply from Amey regarding this repair. They admit the material they used has cooled off and probably didn't set properly and bond together.
Amey have committed to coming back to re-do the job; they said:
"This was the second section and hence the material may have cooled somewhat to not take completely.
The officer has confirmed that we are now planning to return to Brook Way on Wednesday of next week and re-do this section."
I know many of you were concerned that the Council would end up paying twice for poor-quality work. So I received a further email mid-afternoon:
"Further to the below, I also just wanted to add that any works to rectify the issue are at no cost to the Council and we sincerely apologise that we hadn’t made local Councillors aware of the issue last week."
Hopefully this improves things.
Cllr. Will Frass