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Get help with an issue

Got a problem affecting you or your local area? Want to ask us a question?
Contact your local councillors or ward team – we'll do what we can to help.

🔎 Check which ward you live in with Trafford's Postcoder tool. 🔍

Timperley North ward

Councillor Jane Brophy
Councillor Will Frass
Councillor Meena Minnis

Timperley Central ward

Councillor Shaun Ennis
Councillor Simon Lepori
Councillor Julian Newgrosh

Hale Barns and Timperley South ward

Marc Ramsbottom


Joe Kramer

For all other areas please contact the local party and we will find the right person to handle your enquiry.

Contact the Local Party

Press Enquiries

Please contact Councillor Shaun Ennis, our council group leader and press officer.

Membership Enquiries

General Enquiries

Trafford Lib Dems

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